The Doleantie

On the fourth of January in 1886 eighty church officers voted for the decisions of the consistory and they were deposed. On 16 December 1886 the consistory said/declared that they were ‘the lawful consistory of Amsterdam’ and they also said they had thrown of ‘the yoke of synodial hierarchy’. They wanted a continuation of the Old Church of Amsterdam. The suspended men called themselves ‘dolerend’ (dissenting). So Doleantie comes from ‘dolerend’.
Another problem occurred in the church of Kootwijk. Candidate Houtzagers was the first person who graduated from the VU (Vrije Universiteit) Abraham Kuyper established. Houtzagers was called before it was accepted by the classis, so the consistory of Kootwijk was also suspended. They broke with the government of the NHK and the congregation of Kootwijk got a ‘dissenting minister’ on Sunday the 7th of February (1886). Voorthuizen (mother church of ‘the Gereformeerde Kerk) followed this example!
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