The life of Abraham Kuyper
Abraham Kuyper was born in Maassluis, in 1837. He studied theology and was a Dutch theologian, preacher, politician and journalist. The place of studying was Leiden where he was influenced by the doctrine of the modernists. After his studies he became doctor in the theology (especially that was important of Abraham Kuyper) In 1863 he became a preacher in Beesd, a place in the Betuwe. He went to Pietje Baltus on a home visit and she pointed him the way he had to go: Away of modernism and back to God’s sovereign grace again! The most important wapon to reach that goal is prayer, so Pietje Baltus prayed for him
Kuyper’s preaching changed when he started to read Calvin. He contacted Groen van Prinsterer that a church reformation was needed, because he became a defender of the reformed doctrine. Kuyper became leader of the conflict to seperate the church and the state in 1870, when he became a minister in Amsterdam. He wanted to go away from the General Regulations (1816) and to God’s sovereignty again.
He died in 1920.

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